Santucci Marco

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n 1995 He entered in the world of professional comics

In 1998 Marco started his first big work in the Sergio Bonelli Editore on the series, “Mister No”. For Sergio Bonelli Editore he also worked on series like Tex and Dampyr.

From 2008 to 2011 Marco worked for Marvel comics on “Secret Invasion: Spider-man” , “X-factor”, Siege: Spider-man and Captain America: forever allies miniseries.

In 2011 Marco worked on a couple of French volumes of a series entitled “La Mandragore”, written Sylvain Cordurie

From 2015 he’s worked more for the USA comic market. Marco worked with Titan Comics ( cover artist for Assassin’s Creed and Tekken series), Dynamite ( cover artist for Sheena, Red Sonja and regular cover artist of the Pathfinder: Spiral of Bones series) and Upper Deck ( various project about Marvel characters).

In the recent years he’s working for DC Comics on various titles ( on interiors and covers). Among them: Superman, Injustice: Gods among us, Injustice 2, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Green Lanterns, Shazam! , Swamp Thing , Green Lantern (new series), Teen Titans, Batman Beyond, Endless Winter (miniseries).

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